  • Name : Prof. K Ramaneswari
  • Designation : Head
  • Phone : 9491520547
  • Email : aqua.ucst@aknu.edu.in
About department

The aquaculture program is initiated in the university in 2016, with a vision of giving importance to the sustainable aquaculture practices, where the students are open to the innovations and developments related to aquaculture. To encourage the students in perception, thinking and knowledge, in view of research and development studies. It will make contributions to universal knowledge, to meet the requirements of the current aquaculture sector where regional needs have privilege. The curriculum is designed as per the requirements of global placements following current trends in scientific developments and research in the field of aquaculture.

Programs offered
S.No Name of Program Syllabus Intake
1 M.Sc Aquaculture 16
2 Certificate Course in "Aquaculture Feed Preparation, Analysis and Management" 12
S.No Name of the Teacher Designation Email Image Profile
1 Prof. K Ramaneswari professor aqua.ucst@aknu.edu.in Prof. K Ramaneswari Profile
2 Dr. D Sridhar Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) sridhar.aqua@aknu.edu.in Dr. D Sridhar Profile