  • Name : Mr. V Rajasekhar
  • Designation : Course Co-ordinator
  • Phone : 9491721564
  • Email : physics.ucst@aknu.edu.in
About department

         The Department of Physics started with M.Sc., Physics program in 2014. The department is successfully flourishing with 30 students every year. The Department has well-established and well-equipped laboratories to support the students in creative thinking, hands-on experiments, and activity-based learning. The Department has well-qualified faculty from pioneer institutions and the faculty are highly involved in various research disciplines such as Spectroscopic studies, Crystal Growth, and Nanoscience. Many seminars and special lectures by eminent scientists have been arranged for the students. The students are encouraged to present papers in National and International seminars and conferences. The department offers a special course for the PG students to facilitate them to competition in SET/NET/GATE/JEST examinations.


       To build a foundation for excellence and encourage the development of the institution as a premier institution through teaching, academic activities, and active research in physics.


      To awaken the young minds through theory and practical in physics, as well as conduction of academic activities by the department which reflects the development of the institution.

Programs offered
S.No Name of Program Syllabus Intake
1 M.Sc Physics 30
S.No Name of the Teacher Designation Email Image Profile
1 Dr. Y Sushma Priya Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) ysp.phy@aknu.edu.in Mrs. Y Sushma Priya Profile
2 Dr. S Rajya Lakshmi Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) srl.phy@aknu.edu.in Dr. S Rajya Lakshmi Profile
3 Mr. V Rajasekhar Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) vrs.phy@aknu.edu.in Mr. V Rajasekhar Profile
4 Mr. B. Veera Vamsi Krishna Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) bvk.phy@aknu.edu.in Mr. B. Veera Vamsi Krishna Profile