  • Name : Dr. K Samuel Kumar
  • Designation : Course Coordinator
  • Phone : --
  • Email : botany.ucst@aknu.edu.in
About department

Ever since its inceptions in 2015, the Department of Botany had been growing by the day. With well qualified and experienced Faculty, the challenges of establishing the Department for fully equipped Laboratories have been efficiently achieved. The faculty members are experts in their respective fields of research, evidenced through their high quality research publications in reputed National and International Journals.

The students of Final year of 2016-18 batch have worked on Government projects for Agriculture Department to document the Study of ZBNF model of farming in agency area of Rampachodavaram – as part of their Project Dissertation. The Department is working on a Project in preparation of PBR for the AP State Biodiversity Board for different BMCs of AP. The Department has conducted Two Workshops earlier and envisions: to procure funding through Research Projects; collaborative curriculum for students; and establishing a state of the art Botanical Garden – the foundation stone for which was laid by the present Vice President of India, His Excellency M. Venkaiah Naidu

Programs offered
S.No Name of Program Syllabus Intake
1 M.Sc Botany 30
2 Certificate Course in "Mushroom Cultivation and Establishment of Training Unit" 30
S.No Name of the Teacher Designation Email Image Profile
1 Dr. T Padmavathi Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) padmavathi.bot@aknu.edu.in Dr. T Padmavathi Profile
2 Dr. L Mutyalu Naidu Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) lmn.bot@aknu.edu.in Dr. L Mutyalu Naidu Profile
3 Dr. Samuel Kumar Kolli Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) ksk.bot@aknu.edu.in Dr. Samuel Kumar Kolli Profile