S.No Name of the Ph.D Scholar Department/Subject Name(s) of the Guide(s) Date of Award Title of the Thesis
1 Dr.N.Thrimurthulu Chemistry Dr.J S Yadav
Dr.B Jagan Mohan Reddy
27.08.2012 Application of prins cyclisation to stereoselective total synthesis of natural product: Aculeatin A and B, Xetodecalactone C and EPI-Sporostatin (1oS, 20S) 10-Hydroxy-12-Methl-1-1-Oxacyclododecance-2, 5-Dione
2 Dr.G.Jose Moses ComputerScience & Engineering Prof.P.Suresh Varma 21.12.2013 Some investigations on implimenting multicast routing protocols with quality of service (QoS) to improve performance of mobile adhoc networks.
3 Dr.M.Kamala Kumari ComputerScience & Engineering Prof.P.Suresh Varma 27.09.2014 A study on redescriptive mining techniques on various domains.
4 Dr.M.Durga Bharathi Zoology Dr. V V S S Sarma
Dr. K Ramaneswari
05.05.2015 Variability in composition and diversity of Phytoplankton in the Indian Estuaries and Coastal Bay of Bengal.
5 Dr.B.Krishna Veni Mathematics Dr.G.Ganesan 20.05.2015 Algebra of Rough Fuzzy & Instuitionistic Rough Fuzzy sets and Characterizations in Information Systems.
6 Dr.N Siva Sankar Reddy Chemistry Dr B V Subba Reddy
Dr.B Jagan Mohan Reddy
26.06.2015 Total synthesis of Tetrahydroisoquinoline and β-Carboline alkaloids using elleman's chiral auxiliary.
7 Dr.S.Appala Naidu Zoology Dr.V V S S Sarma
Dr.K Ramaneswari
30.07.2015 Variability in composition and distribution of Macrobenthos in the Indian Estuaries and Coastal Bay of Bengal.
8 Dr.B N V Satish Mathematics Dr.G.Ganesan 18.08.2015 A study on rough fuzzy predicate calculus
9 Dr.P Vijaya Kumar Mathematics Dr.T.Hymavathi 04.02.2016 A study on heat and mass transfer of viscous fluids using homotopy analysis method
10 Dr.V Venkata Ramana Zoology Dr.V V S S Sarma
Dr.A Matta Reddy
25.02.2016 Variability and distribution of Zooplankton biomass, aundance and community structure in the Indian Estuaries and Coastal Bay of Bengal.
11 Dr.B Surya Prakash Management Studies Prof.S.Teki 25.02.2016 Scope and marketability of E-learning products in Hither Educational Institutions with respect to Andhra Pradesh state.
12 Dr.G.Naga Satish Computer Science & Engineering Prof.P Suresh Varma 31.03.2016 Three node communication network models with feedback having feedback having Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous poisson arrivals and dynamic bandwidth allocation
13 Dr.Ch V Raghavendran Computer Science & Engineering Prof.P Suresh Varma 31.03.2016 Study on two node tandem communication network models with feedback under dynamic bandwidth allocation having homogeneous and non homogeneous poisson arrivals.
14 Dr. P Subba Rao Management Studies Prof S Teki 03.06.2016 Factors Affecting Investors' Perception Of Mutual Fund Investment W.R.T Select Mutual Fund Schemes
15 Dr. M Madan Mohan Life Sciences Dr. A Matta Reddy
Dr. Aparna B Srkantham
15.06.2016 Primary And Secondary Drug Resistance In Leprosy: A Community Based Study
16 Dr.Ch Santhosh Life Sciences Dr.D Kalyani 21.07.2016 Strain typing and strain differentiation of mycobacterium leprae by variable number tandem repeats (VNTR).
17 Dr. D Jyothirmai English Prof. K Sree Ramesh 07.10.2016 No Women, No Nation. Rewriting The Incomplete Story: A Womanist Study Of Sefi Atta's Fiction
18 Dr. T Srinivas Rao Management Studies Prof. S Teki 21.10.2016 Motivation Of Employees In Higher Educational Institutions With Reference To Select Technical And Professional Colleges In Andhra Pradesh State
19 Dr. R Krishnam Raju Indukuri Computer Science & Engineering Prof.P Suresh Varma 23.11.2016 Novel Scheduling Models For Resource Allocation In Cloud Computing
20 Dr.A Anupama Computer Science & Engineering Prof.P Suresh Varma 14.12.2016 Temporal Analysis Of Social Networks: Identification Of Disjoint, Overlapped And Evolutions Of Community Structures
21 Dr.N Prudhvi Raju Chemistry Dr.B Jagan Mohan Reddy 28.12.2016 Prins type cascade cyclizations for the synthesis of fused, bridged and spiro tetrahydopyran/tetrahydrofuran derivatives
22 Dr. R Anji Babu Chemistry Dr.B Jagan Mohan Reddy 28.12.2016 Stereoselective Synthesis Of Solifenacin, Sitagliptin Using Tertbutanesulfinamide And Development Of Novel Methodologies For The Synthesis Of Benzoxazines, Benzothiazines And Rutaecarpine Derivatives
23 Dr. V Malli Priya Mathematics Dr.T Hymavathi 22.04.2017 Homotopy Analysis To Heat And Mass Transfer Of Mhd Viscous Fluids
24 Dr. A S Padmavalli Management Studies Prof. S Teki 19.09.2017 Job Satisfaction Among Employees Working In Commercial Banks With Reference To Select Districts Of Andhra Pradesh
25 Dr. A Kavitha Chemistry Dr. J S Yadav
Dr.B Jagan Mohan Reddy
22.09.2017 Towards The Synthesis Of Narbonolide,Muamvatin And (S)-5-((S)-6-Hydroxyoctyl)Furan-2(5h)-One
26 Dr.Volety V S Ramachandram Mathematics Dr. B Sankara Rao 27.11.2017 A Study On Some New Types Of Closed Sets And Separation Axioms In Topological Ordered Spaces
27 Dr.Sajna Raj N. Englidh Prof.K Sree Ramesh 30.12.2017 The Body Speaks: A Study Of Deformity In Select Victorian Novels
28 Dr.Angalakuduru Aravind Englidh Prof.K Sree Ramesh 06.02.2018 A Critical Study Of The Select Novels Of Amitav Ghosh
29 Dr.Satya Kamal Chirauri Physics Dr.K Rama Chandra Rao 19.02.2018 Photo and electroluminesence studies on gallium based oxide nanophospors.
30 Dr.D Satish Kumar Life Sciences Dr.D Kalyani 28.04.2018 Assessment Of Genetic Purity Through Grow Out Test (Got) And Rapd Markers For F1 Hybrid Seeds In Tobacco (Nicotlana Tabacum)
31 Dr.B Someswarao Chemistry Dr.B Jagan Mohan Reddy 28.04.2018 Design And Synthesis Of Fused And Bridged Tetrahydropyran / Tetrahydrofuran Systems Throughy Prins Type Cascade Cyclization
32 Dr.Nelima Priyanka N Computer Science & Engineering Prof.P Suresh Varma 11.05.2018 Novel Earliest Deadline First Scheduling Modeles For Resource Allocation In Cloud Computing
33 Dr. Wuriti Sridhar Mathematics Dr. T Hymavathi 15.06.2018 Numerical Study Of Heat And Mass Transfer Of Casson Fluids
34 Dr.D Sasi Raja Sekhar Computer Science & Engineering Prof.P Suresh Varma 22.06.2018 A Simple Surface Realization Engine For Telugu
35 Dr. A Satyanarayana Computer Science & Engineering Prof.P Suresh Varma 18.07.2018 Novel Cloud Computing Models With Dynamic Allocation Of Virtual Machines Under Homogeneous And Non-Homogeneous Conditions
36 Dr. Simhachalam Boddana Mathematics Dr. T Hymavathi 15.08.2018 K-Means Algorithm With A Covariance Matrix Compared To Partition - Based Clustering Algorithms
37 Dr.Bonu Akkayya Mathematics Dr. T Hymavathi 16.08.2018 Homotopy Analysis Method To Heat And Mass Transfer Of Visco-Elastic Fluid Flows Over An Exponentially Stretching Sheet Through Porous Medium Using
38 Dr.Rajendra Prasad G Management Studies Prof. S Teki 20.08.2018 A Study On Assessing Training And Development Requirements Of Micro Enterpreneurs And Its Impact On Their Livelihoods - W.R.T. Ntfp's Value Addition Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh State
39 Dr.Malladi Sreerama Raju Management Studies Dr.N Udaya Bhaskar 20.09.2018 Assessment Of Services Quality In Higher Education: A Study Of Select Universities In Andhra Pradesh
40 Dr.Bothsa Srinivas Mathematics Dr. B Sankara Rao 27.09.2018 An Analytical Study On Different Methods For Solving Transportation And Assignment Problems In Fuzzy Environment
41 Mr.Y Vikram Reddy Chemistry Dr. B Jagan Mohan Reddy 02.01.2019 Total Synthesis Of Tetrahydroisoquinoline Alkaloids And Novel Synthetic Methodologies
42 Dr.N N V Sakunthala Mathematics Dr. T Hymavathi 15.04.2019 Analtytical Solution To Study Of Mhd Visco-Elastic Fluid Flow Through Porous Medium Over An Exponential Stretching Sheet
43 Dr. Mortha Kiran Deedi Life Sciences Dr.A Matta Reddy 01.05.2019 Evaluation Of Biomarkers For Primary Prevention Of Cardiovascular Diseases And Stroke Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh.
44 Dr. Suresh Reddy Nallamilli Life Sciences Dr.K Ramaneswari 01.05.2019 Fish Diversity Of Dowleswaram Reservoir Of Godavari River At Rajamahendravaram, A.P. India
45 Dr.Anumula Pavana Kumari Mathematics Dr. T hymavathi 25.06.2019 Numerical Study Of Some Magneto Hydro Dynamic Flow Problems Of Casson Fluid
46 Dr.Alekya English Prof. T Ashok 04.09.2019 The Attitude And Perception Towards Blended Learning Approach Among English Language Teachers In Secondary Schools Of North Coastal Districts Of Andhra Pradesh
47 Dr.K B V Brahma Rao Computer Science & Engineering Prof.P Suresh Varma 13.03.2020 Dimensionality And Knowledge Reduction Techniques For Massive Patient Datasets
48 Dr P. S. Abhiram Management Studies Dr.N.Udaya Bhaskar 16.09.2020 Big Data Analytics An Intelligent Interface in Micro Finance Sector in Andhra Pradesh
49 Dr. D. Bindu Madhavi Management Studies Prof. S. Teki 04.01.2021 A Study on Financial Performance of Coir Industry - with Reference to East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
50 Dr.Neetha Raj Geophysics Dr. K V Swamy 30.12.2020 Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies of Parts of Deccan Trap Regions of Peninsular India.
51 Dr. Vinayak Mishra Management Studies Prof. S. Teki 25.03.2021 BPO In India: Growth and Challenges with Reference to Attrition In Select Indian Companies
52 Dr. M. V. Ramana Murthy Geology Dr. K.MruthyunjayaReddy
Dr. K. V. Swamy
13.05.2021 Flood vulnerability analysis in Krishna River delta, Andhra Pradesh, India, using geospatial tools.
53 Dr. B. Madhavi Latha Chemistry Dr. BV Subba Reddy
Dr. B. Jagan Mohan Reddy
06.09.2021 Synthesis Of Pyrazole, Oxadiazole, Thiazole-Triazole/ Isoxaxole Hybrids Via Click Reaction And Evaluation Of Their Cytotoxic Activity
54 Dr. Kandregual Raj Sunil Geology Dr. Girish Ch Kothyari
Dr. K. V. Swamy
06.01.2022 Neotectonics and Paleoseismic Investigations along the Kachchh Main land Fault Zone, Western India: Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment.
55 Dr. Kovvuri Jayasri Naga Venkata Narasa Reddy Management Studies Prof. S. Teki 21.03.2023 A Study on Investor’s perception towards selected Financial and Investment Avenues with respect to Godavari Districts of Andhra Pradesh.
56 Dr. Venkata Ramana Karri Management Studies Dr. R. Pardhasaradhi
Dr. N. Udaya Bhaskar
03.05.2023 A Study on Marketing Challenges of Medical Representatives in Select Cities of Andhra Pradesh.
57 Dr. Rachagundla Raja Management Studies Dr. P. Uma Maheswari 07.06.2023 The impact of Visual Merchandise Elements on Apparel Customer’s Impulse buying Behavior a Study w.r.t. Tier – 1 cities in South India.
58 Dr. Ravi Sankar Jetti Management Studies Dr. N. Udaya Bhaskar 07.07.2023 A Study on Investors’ Behaviour in Investment Decision Making Towards Capital Markets w.r.t Select Cities of Andhra Pradesh.
59 Dr. Diddi Srinivasa Rao Mathematics Dr. R David Kumar
Dr M. Kamala Kumari
07.07.2023 Study of Heat and Mass Transfer of Some Non Newtonian Fluids.
60 Mrs. Kondru Mounika Computer Science and Engineering Dr. P. Venkateswara Rao 27.09.2023 “Evaluation of Hybrid Extreme Learning Machine Models for Intrusion Detection System”
61 Mrs. Kandadai Sowjanya Department of Physics Dr. PSR Prasad
Dr. K.V Swamy
07.10.2023 “Gas Hydrate Formation Under Simulated Natural Conditions for Sustainable Gas Storage”
62 Mr. Tatapudi Ashok Computer Science and Engineering Prof P. Suresh Varma 20.11.2023 “A Novel Model To Predict the Suitable Crop Based on Environmental Factors and Soil Nutrients Using Iot Augmented With Machine Learning Techniques”
63 Mr. Suri Babu Donipudi Geo-Physics Dr. Rejesh K Dumka 08.12.2023 “Crustal Deformation study along Katrol Hill Fault (KHF) Using GPS, PS- InSAR in Kachchh, Gujarat”
64 Mrs. S. Jaya Sai Rajitha Commerce and Management Studies Dr. K. Ratna Manikyam 30.12.2023 “Impact of Climate Change Adaptation on Employment w.r.t Select Industries in Godavari Districts of Andhra Pradesh”
65 Mr. Duggirala V N S R Murty Mathematics Dr. Ch. Srinivasulu 04.04.2024 “A Numerical Analysis on some Non-Newtonian Fluids With Chemical Reaction Using Novel Keller Box Scheme”
66 Mrs. Aregela Sai Santhishi Devi Computer Science and Engineering Dr. V. Persis 18.05.2024 “A Blockchain Technology Solution for Validation of Student Transfers at College and University Levels”
67 Mrs. Sindhu B Computer Science and Engineering Dr. B. Kezia Rani 24.05.2024 “A Blockchain Technology Solution for Validation of Student Transfers at College and University Levels”
68 Mr. Dakara Venakata Ramana Telugu Dr. M. Sudhamayi 29.07.2024 “P.V Sunil Kumar Saahityam - Samalochana”
69 Mrs. P. Madhuri Santhoshi Physics Dr. K. Ramachandra Rao 29.08.2024 “Rare Earth Metal (Eu, Tb) Doped Inorganic Crystals (ZnSO4 CUSO4) for Optical and Antimicrobial Investigations”
70 Mr. Thota Ramakrishna Telugu Dr. M. Sudhamayi 31.08.2024 “Anandarao Patnaik Kathalu- Pariseelana”
71 Mrs Aluri Lakshmi Computer Science and Engineering Dr. D. Latha 11.09.2024 “Quality Evaluation of Hybrid Latent Semantic Analysis with Text Rank Extractive Text Summarization and Hunter Sail Fish Optimizer enabled Deep Learning Abstractive Text Summarization on Telugu E- News Articles .”
71 Mr. Pothuraju RGNV Prasad Zoology Dr. P. Vijaya Nirmala 01.10.2024 “Study of In Vitro Antioxidant and Anti Diabetic Properties of Carbon Dots Derived from Acetosa Sagittata ( Polygonaceae family).”
72 Vaddi Venkata Ramanamma Telugu Dr. M. Sudhamayi 01.10.2024 “Katthula Krishnabhagavatar Amudrita Harikatha Sahityam - Pariseelana”
73 Mr. Kandi Sai Kiran Geo-Sciences Dr. K. Nooka Ratnam 09.12.2024 “Evaluation of Saltwater Intrusion and Ground Water Quality in Coastal Aquifers-An Integrated Study Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India.”
74 Mr. Y. Ayyanna Zoology Dr. A, Matta Reddy
Dr. P. Vijaya Nirmala
09.12.2024 “Water Quality and Biology of Kakinada Bay and Mangroves Area”
75 Mr. N. Venkateswara Rao Computer Science and Engineering Dr. P. Venkateswara Rao 30.12.2024 “Melanoma Detection from the Dermoscopic Images Using Binary Spiking Neural Networks.”