  • Name : Dr. Srinivasarao Divi
  • Designation : Course Co-ordinator
  • Phone : 9949723988
  • Email : eie.uceng@aknu.edu.in
Profile of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (EIE) Department

        The department Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (EIE) was started in the University College of Engineering, ADIKAVI NANNAYA UNIVERSITY in the year 2016 with an intake of 30. The admission to the students is based on the APEAMCET Entrance Examination conducted by the AP state government. The department having faculty from reputed institutions like NIT’s. The department equipped with state of art laboratories with sophisticated equipment’s.

   The main core areas of the department are Industrial Automation, Process Systems Engineering, Instrumentation Systems Engineering and Bio-Medical Instrumentation. The department focuses on preparing students to meet global industrial challenges. The ultimate goal is to make them aware of the recent advances taking place in the field of Instrumentation and Control to prepare the students industrial needs.

        Practical knowledge being the most vital part of the technical education, the department trains the students in the well-equipped laboratories like Industrial Instrumentation Lab-I, Electrical Measurements Lab, Industrial Instrumentation Lab-II, Analytical Instrumentation Lab, Process control Instrumentation Lab and Virtual Instrumentation Lab. The Department having the latest Software’s MATLAB, LABVIEW for the hands on experience and carrying out Project works of the students.

Highlights of the Department

1. Highly qualified faculty members with multi-disciplinary research expertise.
2. Well-equipped laboratories with sate of the art facilities to improve highly quality education.
3. Hands on experience on PLC/SCADA technologies in collaboration with ONGC.
4. Collaborations with premier academic institutions like IISc. IITs, NITs and R&D organizations like CSIR-IICT, CSIR-NGRI, CSIR-CLRI, CSIR - CECRI, CSIR-IMMT, ONGC, GAIL
5. Provides GATE/IES coaching for M.Tech and Ph.D admission into IISc, IITs, NITs and jobs in PSUs like HPCL, IOCL, BPCL, NTPC, BHEL, BARC, BEL, SAIL, GAIL, NPCIL, DRDO, ISRO, etc.
6. Provides Summer internship assistance in reputed institutions and CSIR Labs with mutual collaborations.
7. Efforts to ensure training and placement assistance to the eligible and interested students in core industries of Instrumentation
8. Instrument Genie Club, SENSOR-Wall Journal and ISOI-Students Chapter
9. E-Yantra Lab has been installed in association with IIT Bombay.
10. The department is in MoU with R. K Automation Guntur,
11. Most of the students are got placements in the reputed MNC’s and core sector jobs in the field of Instrumentation at the end of their final year.

Department Vision and Mission

To Consistently strive to develop the Department into a Globally Competitive in the field of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.


  • To access quality education which inspires the students to realize their aspiration and potential.
  • To enhance knowledge, create passion for learning, foster Innovation and nurture talents towards serving society and Country.
  • To encourage the faculty members to update their knowledge and carryout advanced research in the frontier areas of technologies.
  • To be a pioneered in carry out research projects and consulting services for the benefit of Global community.