Instructions to ABC Cell Co-ordinators of constituent &affiliated colleges

Dear Nodal officers for ABC cell of constituent and affiliated colleges,
ABC Id can be generated with student's Aadhar No/ PAN No/Driving license
Note that ABC id can’t be regenerated against a given Name/Regd. No./Aadhar no.

Check list before generating ABC id's:

  • The details on Aadhar card should match with the details of the candidate’s SSC certificate before generation of ABC id. (Details such as Name, Date of Birth, Phone No.).
  • If there is mismatch, it should be rectified in the Aadhar before generating ABC id.
  • Encourage candidates to have at least one phone no. for regular usage and official purpose.
  • Ensure that the registered number of the candidate is correct.
  • Candidates official & regularly using mail id.
  • Regd. No. and Hall-ticket no. are same.